Discovering your life purpose today...
as you embrace the opportunities tomorrow!
"I know God has me here for a reason... I just want to find out what it is."
What if the answer was within your reach? Let’s discover this together! Each fully engaged, purposeful coaching session will be focused around your goals and desires, including action steps that are personally developed and Spirit led.
Many times you just need a Healthy Space
to process your Hopes and Dreams...
You deserve to live your best life... which means discovering just exactly what that is. Through facing the obstacles, changing mindsets and setting new goals you can step into the next chapter of your life with renewed confidence and wisdom.
Sometimes It Helps to Use A Road Map
Open Box Special is a simple to use workbook suitable for individual or group use. Each chapter contains a section to read, a deep dive study guide and a personal discovery tool, all designed to help you gain insight into the mindsets and decisions necessary to discover God's strategic plan for your life. Throughout this journey you will consider questions like:
“Can I really trust God?”
“Who am I?”
“What am I here for?”
“What happens when I hit the wall?”
“What will I say YES and NO to?”
“What will I do next?”