Sexual Addiction Recovery
No man plans to be bound in the grasp of sexual addiction. Yet millions of men find themselves in this place of desparation each year. How did it happen? A curious click here, combined with a moment of frustration there… resulting in more pain than you ever anticipated. But that doesn’t have to be the end of the story. All across the nation, men are taking back their stolen identity as they break the shackles of sexual addiction. Through proven theraputic methods and the power of God, you can take the steps necessary to walk in the hope and freedom that He has made available.

Jim Thornton has spent decades as a pastor helping men reclaim their identity in Christ. As a Certified Sexual Addicton Recovery Coach through the American Association for Sex Addiction Therapy, Jim is specifically trained in this area as men learn to walk in freedom and strength.
Options include:
Private – One-to-one (men only)
Marriage – Healing in damaged relationships
Men’s Support/Work Groups – Encouraging others along the path of freedom
Jim is also available for speaking engagements at local church men’s events and retreats.