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Making Decisions with Perspective...

                          Taking Action with Purpose


Let's Get to Know Each Other

From becoming you best self to relationship improvement to leadership development,
here are a few testimonials from satisfied clients.

"Through the avenue of SYMBIS coaching, we were able to feel more comfortable
opening up about our individual histories, expectations and hurts. This allowed us to
love each other all the more" 

Timberly Williams

Becoming Your Best Self!

In our search for improvement, we are often tempted to chase after what we have seen that worked in others as if we could make it become our own.  We see how God has worked in a friend’s life and then we try to replicate it in our own life.  It is as though we’ve concluded that living out God’s plan for someone else’s life is the best way to embrace His plan for our own life. But here’s the problem.  God’s plan for you is tailor-made to the way He has designed you… the way He wired you… the experiences you have walked through… the dynamics that are strategically specific to you.  If this stirs a renewed interest in discovering God’s strategic plan for your life, welcome to Jim Thornton Coaching.

Other competencies include...

  • Advanced degrees in Leadership and Development 

  • Ordained Elder in the Church of the Nazarene

  • With over 34 years of experience, Jim combines a Biblical foundation with an understanding of human strengths and struggles, forming an easy to understand approach to rising to the  challenges and opportunities that come with everyday life.

If discovering God’s strategic plan for your life is both exciting and intimidating, Open Box Special just might be the tool for you. This workbook equips you to answer six key questions which will unleash your God given potential in specific facets of your life. Private or group sessions available.

Whether you're considering a deeper commitment to that special someone, or have been married for years, there's always room for greater relational health. SYMBIS (Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts) offers plenty of opportuntities for discovery in a relaxed atmosphere. Married Up is packed with practical steps to strengthen you marriage, regardless of age. Ready to take your relationship to the next level? Start here.


Pastor, no doubt you have a passion to minister to the people you serve. You’ve prayed, studied and attended more training seminars than you can count. What if there’s another way? What if God is ready to bring your greatest dreams and visions to fruition? That’s what Church Leadership Coaching is all about.

If overcoming sexual addition was as easy as simply deciding to quit, men would not choose to remain in bondage. But there is hope for those who are willing take the actions necessary as God empowers them every step of the way. This battle of the mind is being won among men just like you. That's right. Freedom and victory is closer than you think.


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